Property Reviews: BCC Location Asset Strategy Review Buckinghamshire
Contracted office
Buckinghamshire County Council (BCC) LASR
How we helped
Public and third Commercial property and asset management
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Carter Jonas has provided a full review of all Buckinghamshire County Council property, with a primary focus on the operational estate. The Location Asset Strategy Review is a service-led property identifying key opportunities for the rationalisation of the Estate creating considerable capital receipts and revenue streams, primarily through the promotion of site sharing and cross public sector partnerships.

The Consultancy and Strategy Team undertook extensive individual service consultations throughout the Council in order to assess current and future estate to meet their service delivery requirements. The Review was designed to benefit operational service teams in conjunction with the Council’s property team and the use of accurate mapping revealed the County wide portfolio in great detail, enabling the Council to make informed strategic decisions.

The Review, promoted a service ‘hub’ model, allowing cost reduction and improved efficiency for services which are under ever increasing budgetary pressure. This aligned with key One Public Estate objectives and pressure from Central and Local Government to encourage site sharing between public sector organisations. The review could also provide support to progress an application onto the One Public Estate programme.

Carter Jonas has also provided a full review of the Council’s agricultural assets, providing advice on short and long term strategy, landlord and tenant advice and planning and development opportunities


"Carter Jonas have conducted a detailed service led review offering significant change to the provision of public services in the County. The team have shown consistent hard work, commitment and drive in delivering an excellent outcome against a tight timeline and budget."
Joe Nethercoat, Head of Strategic Assets, Buckinghamshire County Council

“During a period of significant change within BCC, Carter Jonas managed to deliver a strategy that captures not only where we are today, but where we need to go with the estate, and how, to complete our transformation journey.
This is an admirable achievement.”
Joe Nethercoat, Head of Strategic Assets, Buckinghamshire County Council

How we helped: Through accurate mapping we could show the County wide portfolio in great detail, enabling the Council to make informed strategic decisions. The Review, showed the potential for cost reduction and improved efficiency for services and  aligns with key One Public Estate objectives and delivered a response to the pressure from Central and Local Government to encourage site sharing between public sector organisations.