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Farm support is on a transition introducing a different way of working under schemes to achieve new objectives the main being “Public money for Public goods”. Moving away from the Common Agricultural Policy implemented under the EU Policy. Along with the move from the Basic Payment Scheme to environmentally focussed support schemes enabled by Brexit will see a major shift for rural businesses and their approach to these schemes.
The phasing out of the basic payment scheme
Central government support for farm businesses is being diverted away from the direct payments, which were paid under the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS), towards schemes that will deliver “public goods” for which the government is prepared to pay. BPS has now been replaced by the delinked payments which will see payments made directly without the requirement of a claim form. Farmers are being encouraged to assess the impact of this change on their businesses.
Direct payments through the BPS will be phased out between 2021 to 2027 reducing year on year till 2028 when there will be no payment. It is currently unknown what the gradual percentage reductions will be between 2025 and 2027.
Countryside Stewardship Scheme
The Countryside Stewardship Scheme (CSS) is an umbrella scheme which provides financial incentives to land managers to help improve and protect the environment this has been the flagship for payments for environmental practices and land management. This is being adapted at the moment which will see the current Mid-Tier Scheme Combined with the SFI under SFI 2024, while the Higher Tier will continue going forward along with Capital Grants. This new approach will allow a better coordination, improve access and collaboration between the Mid-Tier and SFI.
Find out more about the Countryside Stewardship Scheme >>
Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMS)
The Environmental Land Management Scheme (also known as ELMS) is a new overarching scheme that will reward environmentally conscious practices in farming, forestry, and land management. The Scheme will comprise: the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) and Landscape Recovery.
Find out more about ELMS >>
Farming in protected landscapes
This scheme is available for farmers in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), National Parks (NP) and the Broads. Each designated area has a different pot of money, and the scheme is nonprescriptive, with applicants invited to state the type of project that they wish to undertake. The project has to provide value for money and results in at least one climate, nature, people, or place outcome.
The programme will run until March 2025.
Slurry investment scheme
The aim of this scheme is to upgrade slurry storage systems aimed at cattle and pig farmers to help increase storage over 6 months and 8 months retrospectively, to reduce the pollution incident and cut emissions.
Woodland Grants and Schemes
There are a variety of woodland planting schemes and grants on offer. These can provide payments for planting, management, and also additional contributions. We can work with you to advise on any grant funding that might be available and help with structuring the application to maximise its chances of success.
Farming innovation programme
The programme is for Agri-tech innovations to support farmers, growers, foresters and other businesses to embrace innovative ways to maximise productivity and drive sustainability.