The Former Timber Yard, Buckland Down BA11

The Former Timber Yard, Buckland Down BA11

9,063 sq ft (842 sq m)

Frome 4 miles
Police Station 3 miles
Coleford Road 3.3 miles

The property comprises a range of storage buildings with an office facility incorporating kitchen, meeting rooms and W/Cs.

Externally there are generous yard areas with a mix of compressed hardcore and concrete surfaces.

The yard and buildings can be serviced independently with its own access from the public highway.

Key Features

  • Located on A362 between Radstock & Frome
  • Range of Storage Buildings
  • Office Facility on Site
  • Generous Yard Areas
  • The most recent use of the site was as a timber manufacturing, storage and open storage facility.  Prospective occupiers should make their own enquiries regarding their intended use of the premises.
  • EPCs are being commissioned where appropriate.


The property is strategically located just off the A362 between Radstock (approximately 3 miles NW) and Frome (4.5 miles SE).

Key property details
Leasehold Application
9,063 Sq Ft 842 Sq M
General Industrial and Storage & Distribution
Carter Jonas reference
Property agent
Alison Williams

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