Do you have an interest in land within Mid Sussex District?
Date of Article
Jul 15 2024
Planning & development

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Mid Sussex District Council has formally submitted their draft District Plan and accompanying documents to the Secretary of State for Examination, which will guide development until 2040. 

Upcoming Public Hearings

The District Plan will be subject to independent public examination by a Planning Inspector who will be shortly appointed by the Secretary of State.  

As part of the examination process, the Planning Inspector will hold public hearings which we anticipate these will be held in Autumn-Winter 2024.  

The hearings are expected to seek opinion on the following issues: 

  • Site Allocations; 
  • Housing;  
  • Economic Development;  
  • Environmental Matters; 
  • Transport, Infrastructure and Viability;
  • Duty to Co-operate.

This is an opportunity to help shape and realise the development potential of your land in Mid Sussex District.  

If you would like to speak to our professionals about the potential of your land, please contact: 

Philip Scott MRTPI 
Partner, Planning 
07788 362181

James Cordery MRICS 
Partner, Development 
07780 667005 
Jon Pinkerton MRICS
Partner, Development
07776 495503 


Map outlining the Mid Sussex District Submission for Examination