Local plan consultation Isle of Wight
Date of Article
Jul 19 2024

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Peter Canavan
Partner, Planning & Development
01865 819637 Email me About Peter
James Cordery
01865 404478 Email me About James
Steven Sensecall
Partner, Planning & Development
01865 297705 Email me About Steven
James Bainbridge
01865 404437 Email me About James
Peter is an Associate Partner within our Oxford office. He has worked in public sector planning for a number of years and has been involved in the preparation, scrutiny and adoption of Local Plans, the consideration of planning applications and acted as expert witness in appeals. Since joining Carter Jonas, Peter has represented a variety of clients (including large scale developers, universities and public sector bodies) at Development Control Order (DCO) hearings, planning appeal inquiries and Local Plan Examinations in Public.

Isle of Wight Council is preparing the ‘Island Planning Strategy’ – a new Local Plan which when adopted will replace the currently adopted development plan. The Island Planning Strategy will guide development on the island over the next 15 years.  

Isle of Wight Council have conducted the following public consultations to date:

 Preparations  Ongoing
 Draft plan consultation (Regulation 18)  July 2021
Pre-Submission consultation  LIVE
 Examination in public  December 2024 (estimate)
 Adoption  October 2025


The Council is now consulting on a ‘Pre-Submission’ version of its emerging Island Planning Strategy, which sets out the Council’s preferred spatial strategy and policies – including the protection of unique natural assets, the management of public services with a growing population, and the ‘under-delivery’ of market housing and affordable homes. This is likely to form the final stage of consultation before the emerging plan is submitted for Examination. 

The deadline for submission is midnight on Monday 19 August. 
There are limited opportunities left to shape and realise the development potential of your land on the Isle of Wight. If you would like to speak to our professionals about the potential of your land, please contact: 

Peter Canavan MRTPI 
Partner, Planning 
07826 890806 

James Cordery MRICS 
Partner, Development 
07780 667005 
Steven Sensecall MRTPI 
Partner, Head of Planning 
South & South West 
07970 796762 
James Bainbridge FRICS 
Chairman, Development 
South & South West 
07887 834070  