- Date of Article
- Mar 18 2024
- Sector
- Planning & development
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Steven is Partner and Head of Planning Southern Region and is based in our Oxford office.
James is Chairman of Carter Jonas. Formerly Head of the Planning & Development Division, James advises clients on proposed development projects throughout the south of England with nearly 30 years of experience in residential and mixed use development. This includes site identification, project management of planning and development strategies, valuation and viability appraisals, marketing and sale of development opportunities. He has specific expertise in option, promotion and other development agreements, joint ventures and landowner equalisation agreements.
There are several ongoing Local Plan promotion opportunities in our South and South West regions within the following LPAs:
- Cotswold
- Bath and Noth East Somerset
- Cornwall
- New Forest
- New Forest National Park
- Rushmoor
If you own land within any of the local planning authorities detailed below, this may represent your opportunity to start to realise its development potential.
Regulation 18 and Call for sites – Cotswold
Cotswold District Council’s current Local plan was adopted in August 2018 and is therefore due for a review. The Local Plan update will explore the needs of the area up to 2041.
Work on the preparation of the Local Plan update commenced in 2022. The remaining stages required to complete the adoption process is set out below:
Issues and Options (Regulation 18) |
Commenced October 2022 – November 2022 |
Further Options (Regulation 18) | LIVE |
Pe-submission (Regulation 26) |
Q1 2025 |
Submission | Q2 2025 |
Examination | Q2 2025 - Q2 2026 |
Adoption |
Q3 2025 |
Regulation 18 consultation
Participants are currently being invited to submit comments and ideas on the following topic areas:
Topic area | Nature of consultation |
Vision, objectives and development strategy | Comments on the amount of additional development that may be needed up to 2041; the existing development land supply; updating the Local Plan Vision and Objectives; potential development strategy options; and a preferred development strategy option and broad areas for growth. |
Draft policies | Updates to existing policies and new Local Plan policies. |
The deadline for submission is 23:59 on Sunday 7th April 2024.
Call for sites
The Council have opened a Call for sites and are seeking submissions for a wide variety of uses, this includes housing, employment, renewable energy, green spaces, the natural environment, biodiversity and more to support the development of the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA).
Submissions must include a brief description of the proposal, details of site ownership and an Ordnance map showing the site boundary.
The deadline for submission is 23:59 on Sunday 7th April 2024.
Regulation 18 – Bath and North East Somerset
Bath and North East Somerset is preparing a new Local Plan that will look ahead and introduce a vision and framework for how Bath and North East Somerset will develop over the next 20 years.
Work on the preparation of the new Local Plan commenced in 2022. The remaining stages required to complete the adoption process is set out below:
Launch Consultation (with Call for sites) (Regulation 18) | Commenced October 2022 – November 2022 |
Options (Regulation 18) | LIVE |
Pre-submission (Regulation 19) | June 2024 |
Submission | December 2024 |
Examination | Early 2025 |
Adoption | September 2025 |
Regulation 18 consultation
The Council has prepared an ‘Options Document’ covering the scope of the consultation. The document sets out the key issues and challenges the new Local Plan will seek to address, alongside four strategic growth options for development, as well as several options for potential development sites. The consultation also includes the results of an updated Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment following a Call for Sites in 2023.
The deadline for submission is 5.00pm on Friday 8th April 2024.
Call for sites – Cornwall
Cornwall Council is currently in the early stages of developing their next Local Plan and are considering how to manage future growth in Cornwall. The new Local Plan will plan for the needs of Cornwall to 2050.
Call for sites
At the start of its Local Plan process, the Council is seeking site submissions with the potential to deliver a wide range of uses, including the following:
- Housing (including market, affordable, older persons, supported living, student accommodation, self-build plots and other types of specialist housing);
- Gypsy and Traveller pitches;
- Employment uses;
- Commercial uses (including offices, retail, leisure, hotel and mixed commercial uses);
- Community uses;
- Tourism;
- Public Green Space;
- Energy Generation;
- Nutrient Neutrality mitigation land; and
- Biodiversity Net Gain.
Site submissions must be within an existing settlement or a sustainable location, outside of ecologically designated areas (e.g. Sites of Special Scientific Interest, Flood Zone 3b etc) and must meet the following requirements for consideration:
- A minimum of 0.25 hectares or greater or;
- Able to accommodate 5 or more dwellings or;
- At least 500sqm of employment floorspace.
The Council welcomes the submission of vacant or derelict land for reuse and sites offering the opportunity for strategic conversions or extensions to existing buildings.
The deadline for submissions is Monday 22nd April 2024.
Call for sites - New Forest
This is an open invitation to landowners, promoters, developers and community groups who are interested in having land considered for a range of different uses, to submit specific information on sites they would like assessed. Accordingly, opportunities may emerge from this process for housing, commercial or other forms of development.
Call for sites
The Council is welcoming information on sites that are suitable for:
- Housing (e.g., market, affordable and for specialised accommodation needs),
- Commercial (including employment (e.g., offices, warehousing), retail and leisure),
- Renewable energy generation (e.g., sites for solar, wind, hydro power etc., community-led renewable energy initiatives),
- Public open space (including sports pitches),
- Habitat mitigation land (e.g. natural recreational greenspace), and
- Other nature recovery and biodiversity net gain projects.
The Council is accepting both previously developed and greenfield sites. Please note, this is not relevant to land within New Forest National Park. The Council has advised there is no need to re-submit sites that have already been put forward previously, unless there has been a change in circumstances.
Any sites submitted through this exercise will be assessed and published in an updated Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) – forming an important part of the evidence base for the emerging Local Plan Update.
The Call for Sites is running alongside an initial ‘Issues and Scope’ consultation to explore key issues to be addressed in a Local Plan Review.
The deadline for submissions is Friday 4 April 2025.
Call for sites - New Forest National Park
The New Forest National Park Authority is currently seeking land with development potential via a ‘Call for Sites’.
Call for sites
As part of its Local Plan Review, the Authority is looking for land within the National Park, for suitable for the following uses:
- Residential,
- Employment,
- Gypsy,
- Traveller and Travelling Showpeople, and
- Environmental mitigation.
There is no minimum size requirement for sites.
Any sites submitted through this exercise will be assessed and published in an updated Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) – forming an important part of the evidence base for the Local Plan Review.
The deadline for submissions is 5pm on Monday 18 March 2025.
Call for sites - Rushmoor
Rushmoor Borough Council is currently seeking land with development potential via a formal ‘Call for Sites’ consultation prior to updating the Rushmoor Local Plan.
Call for sites
The Council is looking for land – both greenfield and brownfield – and in particular land suitable for:
- Housing: Capable of delivering 10+ dwellings,
- Economic: Capable of delivering 500sqm+ of economic floorspace, or 0.25ha+ of land,
- Retail, Leisure and Community Uses,
- Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople accommodation,
- Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) and,
- Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) offsetting.
Any sites submitted through this exercise will be assessed and published in an updated Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) and Brownfield land register – forming an important part of the evidence base for the new Local Plan.
The deadline for submissions is Friday 4 April 2025.
We have experts dedicated to helping landowners secure planning permission for development. If you would like to speak to us about the potential of your land, please contact:
Gareth Jackson MRTPI 07780 667019 |
James Cordery MRICS 07780 667005 |
Steven Sensecall MRTPI 07970 796762 |
James Bainbridge FRICS 07887 834070 |