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High Speed 2
Date of Article
Jun 23 2011

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The Preferred Route for High Speed 2 (HS2) the proposed rail link between London, Birmingham and The North was published in March 2010; it was subsequently amended and initial public consultation to the scheme closes on 29 July 2011.

Further consultation will follow, targeted at those living close to the line. Subject to approval of the scheme, the final route should be safeguarded in 2012, with construction taking place between 2016 and 2026.

Construction of the route will see a number of property demolitions, with a small number of dwellings being affected by high noise levels. Around 150 additional properties are expected to qualify for noise mitigation measures with some 4,700 properties potentially experiencing some noticeable increase in noise levels.

The Exceptional Hardship Scheme (EHS) is available to property owners who have an urgent requirement to sell but have been unable to do so other than at a substantially reduced price as a direct result of the announcement of the scheme. The EHS will be in place until the route for HS2 is safeguarded, then this will be replaced by the Statutory Blight procedures. These allow compensation to be paid where properties would be demolished or rendered uninhabitable through construction of the line. Outside of Statutory Blight, compensation for land taken and loss of value to the remainder of the holding is payable.

Carter Jonas has considerable experience in representing land owners affected by large transport schemes such as HS2. If you are affected by this scheme’s proposal or any similar project we are well placed to advise you.